Young Supporters Get Creative to Fight Hunger

Maggie Westra is the CEO of Westra’s Wonders, which she runs with her sister Marley Westra, the company’s CFO. They repurpose old furniture and sell their creations. They’re also generous donors to Ministry with Community. 

Did we mention that Maggie is 15 and Marley is 9? 

Using their company’s profits, Maggie and Marley recently sponsored a meal at Ministry with Community. A sponsored meal covers everything we need to serve a freshly prepared, nutritious breakfast or lunch to hundreds of our members.  

We were so inspired by their generosity that we wanted to learn more about what motivates them. Below is an excerpt of our conversation with Maggie: 

Tell us about your business, Westra’s Wonders. Where did you get the idea?
Well, I’m CEO and Marley is CFO. We buy used furniture and then we try to repurpose it or fix it up. We got the idea because we wanted to make money. When I start to drive, I’m going to need to buy gas and other stuff for the car.  

So we decided to do something we’re both good at. Marley is good at coming up with ideas, and I’m pretty good at working with my hands and just fixing up stuff, so it works out. 

How did you first hear about MwC, and how have you been involved?
When my brother Tate was a little bit younger, my grandpa [Karl Westra] invited him to come volunteer in the kitchen with him. And when Tate went, he actually had a really fun time. Being the little sister, I kept asking, asking, asking until I could go, and then finally about two years ago I was old enough to volunteer. And then we started going almost every Thursday.  

I would take meals out to the members. I like getting to know people and talking to them for a little bit.  

It was fun because I like helping people. But it was sort of a humbling experience. Growing up, I’ve never had to worry about where my next meal was coming from, so just being able to help people was the best part for me. 

What inspired you to give money in addition to your time?
For one thing, we finally had made enough money to do stuff [like sponsor a meal]. This year has been hard on everybody, so I was just like, “Might as well give now. Now or never.” 

How do you decide how much to give?
Typically, every $200 I make I try to donate $100. And we started up a system where it’s every $600 we make we’re going to sponsor a meal.  

I’ve been given so much, so I should probably be able to give back. I like helping out with the community.

And finally, what’s life been like for a 15-year-old during a pandemic?
It’s been interesting—a little bit of a challenge. I tried to get a few [Westra’s Wonders] projects in, but it’s hard to do painting and stuff in the winter. I have been playing a lot of video games. And I’ve been hanging out with my sister more.

You can help us fight hunger by supporting Ministry with Community Against Hunger during the month of April 2021: